Pico Programming - Part 2 (Blink LED)
# blink_Led_pin_15.py tlfog01 2021feb10hkt2032 # Description - bBlink LED Pin15 # References - Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico Projects - tlfog01 2021feb10hkt2032 # https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/getting-started-with-the-pico/2 # Setup - To upgrade Thonny # sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y # *** blink_led_pin_15.py *** from machine import Pin, Timer # *** Config *** led15 = Pin(15, Pin.OUT) timer15 = Timer() #*** Functions *** def blinkLed15(timer): led15.toggle() return def main01(frequency): print('Begin blinkLedPin15()') timer15.init(freq = frequency, mode = Timer.PERIODIC, callback = blinkLed15) print('End blinkLedPin15()') return # *** Main() *** #main01(8) main01(10) # .END # *** Sample Output - tlfong01 2021feb10hkt2043 *** ''' >>> %Run -c $EDITOR_CONTENT Begin blinkLedPin15...